Mentegram is a software platform that allows therapists, researchers and other professionals to track mood and behavior. This application is only a part of the system. Ask your therapist for more details. The software interacts with the end user through a simple application that easily and quickly records quick surveys on a daily (or more frequent) basis. For example, a therapist can use it to ask simple mood mapping questions (e.g., how anxious are you feeling right now?). The data is sea

Danny came up with the idea for Joy when he realized that there are a lot of existing applications that help us track our steps, spending, and eating habits, but nothing to help us keep our mental health in check. Joy sends you a message every day prompting you to let it know how you are feeling. It then tracks your mood over time to give you a better idea of your overall mental health.

Waking up made easy. An intelligent alarm clock that analyzes your sleep and wakes you in the lightest sleep phase – the natural way to wake up feeling rested and relaxed.

Mentegram Kiosk
Self-service kiosk mode that allows your patient to enter their PIN to access the screening instruments that you assigned to them